![]() ![]() D I N I N G R O O M ![]() ![]() K I T C H E N The small table by the window is set with tea leaf pattern ironstone by Meakin. And on the wall is a reproduction of the tavern license of Abraham Lincoln when he was a partner, with Berry, in a grocery store-tavern in New Salem, Illinois. This stove from the 1850's was made in Chicago, and bears the name "Kenmore" long before Sears used that designation. It was very advanced for its day -- it could be loaded from either side, and the oven was equally accessible. It also had grates to control the heat of the oven, and an ash-bin for collecting the ashes. On it are a sad iron, a fluting iron and a later iron which had a detachable handle which didn't get as hot as the iron. Each ironer in the family usually had three irons -- one to be used while the other two were heating. Other practical utensils are on the stove -- which, by the way, was purposefully made small so that it could be carried west in a covered wagon in these years, if necessary. The smallest child in the family often had the chore of churning butter in the churn, while he or she sat on the small stool. The bread was put to rise in the large pan which sits near the near the heat of the stove. ![]() Originally, canning was in the jar you see here. It had a small cap of metal or stoneware which was sealed to it with this sealing wax, then covered with a square of muslin tied on with a piece of string. It was then labeled so the housewife would know what the jar contained. Later, there was a big improvement with a Weir jar -- a rubber seal and clamp-on top. She also frequently made candles in October when her friends in the country would butcher so that she had a supply of tallow. Whether she used this candle mold or used the dipping method, the main thing was to be sure that the wick remained straight in the process so that the candle burned evenly. The washstand was used by the man of the house when he shaved. You'll see his shaving mug, brush and mirror at the top and the pitcher and bowl below. The shawl and the small lantern were used when going to the outhouse in the back yard in cool weather, and the bonnet always was part of the housewife's attire when she did any gardening. She also used sleevelets gathered onto elastic if the dress she wore didn't happen to be long-sleeved, for heaven forbid that she should get a tan or freckles. B E D R O O M ![]() In the corner you'll see several toys, and a sled that was hitched on behind a horse for winter work on the farm, and probably also used by the children of the family. On the chest of drawers are several items used by the lady of the family as she dressed to go out for a special evening. There is her jewelry box, hair retainer, gloves, velvet hat, and autograph fan, which she would take to a dance. The gentleman's top hat is also there. On the washstand is a pitcher and bowl, razor, and the hair curler that could be heated in the small kerosene lamp to make curls in milady's hair. ![]() An existing room was turned into an inside bathroom sometime before 1900, we assume, and it was a welcome addition. It might have been used before as a child's room, nursery, dressing room or storage area. And on the wall is a hair wreath made by someone who was very adept at intricate handwork. L I B R A R Y ![]() ![]() We hope you have enjoyed this tour of the house. |